Rihanna….launches clothing line with UK River Island

Hey Lovely Peeps
In keeping with fashion for 2013 our favorite unapologetic runway walker Rihanna is set to launch a clothing line in collaboration with River Island of UK on February 16, 2013. Rihanna is reportedly excited about the clothing line collaboration and being part of London’s fashion week. Think about it who wouldn’t be excited??

20130119-215629.jpg Rihanna and models from the River Island Clothing line

20130119-215728.jpg Hottte pieces from the current river island collections.

20130119-221419.jpgThis collaboration will be a benefit to both Rihanna and River Island as all her fans will more than likely appreciate the clothing line and the online shoppers that weren’t aware of River Island will now become shoppers and make it a household name. With River Island being one of my favorite online stores and me being a Rihanna fan I welcome the collaboration and look forward to this clothing line.

Hope you are as excited as I am.
Simply Jyune